Going through my Zylmex collection this evening I suddenly realized that I'd missed an excellent 450SEL contender for my comparison test, so I'm including it in this comparison test addendum:
This Zylmex model is in mint condition in a very pretty greenish/brownish bronze color - making it easy to love. While I'm thrilled with the model, its paint, its metal base and its opening doors, I will spoil the plot by telling you now that it wouldn't have been in serious contention in the comparison test. It would have come in second to last, well ahead of the poor quality Yatming but behind all of the others.
Like Yatmings, Zylmex' seem to come in both fairly cheap (the majority) and high quality (the minority) varieties. We collectors collect them hoping for the occasional high quality surprise - such as this model. While the paint and metal base and opening doors are nice and make this one of the high quality Zylmex', it is still not nice enough to be in the same standard as the competition, particularly with the plastic grill and the cheap wheels...
...But a great model nonetheless - and a proud member of my collection!
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